The Weekly Transmission 2/18/2022
3 min readFeb 18, 2022



This week at Satellite the team has been working hard as we grow closer to alpha. A lot of work has gone to quality of life improvements around chats and file sharing. The team also has made a lot of progress towards getting group chats ready for use! Also, as always, the team has been killing it finding and eliminating bugs as they appear. Remember you can see the progress live on


K: Alright, Who are you, and what do you do here at Satellite?

L: My name is Lauren and I am a Marketing Designer for Satellite. I create and record videos, animations, and graphics for Satellite’s social media and ads as well as assisting in brainstorming content ideas.

K: That’s cool! How did you first learn about Satellite?

L: I was friends with the CEO before he had the idea for Satellite. We were both heavily involved in the gaming space and among the twitch community. I started doing graphic design and art for his streams and later offered me a job with Satellite.

K: So are you a twitch streamer? How does working at Satellite fit in with that?

L: I do stream on twitch and by doing this I am able to understand and be a part of the community that can benefit from Satellite and bring those ideas into the workplace.

K: What are you personally most excited about working on at Satellite?

L: I am very excited to bring my creative mindset to the brand and to see the app be applied to the gaming space.

K: you said earlier you were very connected to the gaming industry, but what are your opinions of the tech/social industry? If you could change one thing in said industries, what would it be and why?

L: I am excited to see where technology is going and love being a part of such a revolutionary industry. However, privacy is becoming more of a concern. Changing how technology can better protect our data and personal info would be incredible. Hopefully, Satellite will contribute to that.

K: Yeah, I think privacy has become a growing concern for almost everyone in this age of sharing everything. Speaking of privacy and sharing everything. What things do you enjoy doing in your free time, outside of work?

L: I love playing video games on my pc, no shocker there. I also enjoy making art and playing with my cat. I’m a huge introvert so I love staying inside.

K: Staying inside a lot means you probably fill the time indoors with more than just video games. So that begs the question, what’s your favorite piece of media (favorite movie, tv shows, video games, etc.)?

L: My favorite movies to watch are the Marvel series, I binge watch those movies all the time and I also love Disney. It’s definitely hard to say what my favorite video game is since I play and love so many. Recently I have been really getting into Terraria and Stardew Valley but my all-time favorite game is Super Mario 64.

K: You like the Marvel movies, so I’m guessing you have put some thought into our final question. If you could have any superpower, what would you pick and why?

L: I would love to have Wanda’s powers from marvel but if I were to choose just one power, it would definitely be teleportation.

K: Thanks for agreeing to be interviewed!

L: Yea no problem


If you have any suggestions or questions, be sure to leave a comment on this article, post a message in our Discord, or send us a tweet. Thanks for reading, and look out for next week’s transmission.

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