The Weekly Transmission 03/18/2022
2 min readMar 18, 2022



This week on the Satellite, we have a few interesting things going on. For starters, we have been working on upgrading our WebTorrent signaling server infrastructure. This change, should you opt-in to using it, will improve a handful of quality of life things, for example, seeing if a friend is online so you can make a video call to them or knowing if they are typing a message to you. While Satellite is a web app that runs in browsers and relies on decentralized technologies, the signaling infrastructure is a very important tool to ensure the quality of peer-to-peer connections.

Beyond that, there has been a revamp of our messaging index system. This will improve searching messages not only in overall quality but also in speed. The revamp will also help lay the foundation for adding a missed messages notification as well as some fixes to sending and receiving messages.

Lastly, there has been continued improvement to the app in the form of various bug fixes and increased testing coverage. Our excellent QA team is constantly hunting for issues in the app so that you don’t have to encounter them.

We still have some potential options for you to join the Satellite crew. We are looking for a UX Researcher, you can send in resumes and portfolios here. We will also be posting a UX Graphic Designer position soon, so watch out for that listing. We are also always looking for experienced developers in flutter and typescript, so be sure to reach out.


Sorry about the lack of an interview this week. If you have any suggestions or questions, be sure to leave a comment on this article, post a message in our Discord, or send us a Tweet. Thanks for reading, and look out for next week’s transmission.

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